how did you know you wanted to do your major?

  • Love for problem solving
  • started from a young age
  • through internships
  • logical thinking background
  • Robotics team was interesting
  • Helped with web design
  • gave a little kickstart
  • made own games
  • applied the knowledge from the games to the real world.

What is the biggest challenge you have encountered with CS?

  • keeping up the motivation
  • Errors and bugs that people couldn’t solve
  • focus on your own path
  • don’t worry about what other people are doing
  • There is always someone that is better than you
  • syntax is annoying
  • Google can be helpful with a lot of questions that you have
  • temptation to cheat (don’t cut corners)
  • willing to get started with coding

Are there any PBL scenarios in college

  • One at the beginning of the four years and one at the end
  • will differently show up
  • study in groups to try to understand better PBL
  • Same structure in a lot of college classes
  • find your style of how to do PBL
  • Try to make it more efficient and less painful

How have you applied CS in your major

  • MatLab is used a lot
  • 3D can use code
  • advance math classes can use CS a lot
  • Jupiter Notebook is used for a technical paper
  • Stats and psychology uses a lot of programming

For existing college students have you had a job with school or professor?

  • how do you make yourself different
  • TA, internships, Tutor,


Try to cut as much less corners to increase your experience. Put yourself out there and differ from others with internships, clubs, jobs, TA, Tutoring, and more. Keep motivated and takes breaks when you need to in order to fix annoying bugs. Search things that you don’t know on Google. Computer Science is very important in a lot of majors, especially STEM.