
My passion is computer programming and algorithms. I am a hardworking and fast-learning student looking for an internship opportunity in a real-world working environment. I would love to contribute to the team's success by demonstrating and developing my skills.


  • Junior (11th grade) in Del Norte High School
  • GPA - 4.19 ### 10th Grade Classes:
    • AP Computer Science - College Credit
    • AP Calculus AB - College Credit
    • AP Chemistry - College Credit
    • Foreign Languages in a private high school - 4 years
    • English
    • History

11th Grade Classes:

  • AP Environmental Science - College Credit
  • AP Statistics - College Credit
  • AP Computer Science A - College Credit
  • Honors Principles of Engineering
  • English
  • History

Experience & Skills

  • Summer Classes/ Internships:
    • Stanford two week intrologic course
    • Harvard three week coding summer classes
  • Professional Del Norte High School Clubs:
    • Algorithmic Coding Club - Competes in the National American Computer Science League
    • Math Club - Competes in the National American Mathematics Competitions
  • Community Leadership and Volunteering:
    • A group leader in scouts - leading a total of 15 4th graders on a weekly basis.
    • Del Norte Nighthawk Nation Club - contributing to the school social activities
  • Athletics:
    • Competitive soccer in San Diego Force FC
    • Competes for the award-winning Del Norte High School Track and Field Team
  • Programing Languages:
    • Python, JavaScript, Html, Css, Java