


This end of the year's Night at the Museum was had some incredible performances. Some include our school band and other amazing art work. I got to see our school's Flag team preforming an amazing show followed by my friends from band preforming some upbeat songs to cheer up everyone. Afterwards, I entered the school art section which included ceramics, drawing and painting, and the choir. This was my first time listening to the school's choir even though I will be a senior next year. It was inspiring to see some of the amazing art work that students in our school have created. After being amazed by our art section I went back into our computer science room. I saw some very nice websites from people. We started at 7 pm and I presented to many people and some of friends too. People, especially athletes, really liked our idea and thought we should even make a startup with it if we put a little more work into it. By 7:45 we decided to leave and the school knowing that we did a good job that day.